Latest Digital Strategy Articles

Landing Page Conversion Rates by Industry 2017
The smart people at Unbounce recently released their 2017 Conversion…

Technical SEO Agencies & You
Recently a friend asked me to help him evaluate some SEO agencies…

The SEO Value of Breadcrumb Navigation
Website navigation gets a lot of attention when it comes to usability…

You're Doing Google Analytics Wrong
I've had a few conversations the last few months where someone…

Attending NowWhat Conference April 26-27
Now that winter is seemingly on the retreat, we're gearing up…

Failure To Plan Is A Plan To Fail
This week I drove across the country visiting our offices and…

How to Focus on Landing Page Content that Converts
When most people hear Conversion Centered Design, it's common…

The Agency & Client Relationship
Hiring an agency is often a difficult task as many companies…

Redirects: The difference between 301, 302s and Canonical tags
When should I use a 301 redirect, a 302 redirect or a canonical…

Content is King, and Queen, and Prince...
Al Gore created the internet to distribute content to all (*Disclaimer,…

Alternatives to Homepage Carousel Sliders (Say No to Sliders)
I could spend an entire post describing all the ways sliders…

Internal Campaign Tracking
Campaign Tracking Variables are a great tool to evaluate how…